FloriCoat™️ 17-8-8 + TE (2-4mm) 20kg
FloriCoat™️ 17-8-8 + TE (2-4mm) 20kg
FloriCoat 17-8-8 is a coated NPK controlled-release fertiliser in a homogeneous granule. Coated with a precise polymer coating that delivers nutrients for up to 12 months. The advanced coating technology allows nutrients to diffuse into the rootzone according to soil temperature, ensuring nutrients are available to the plant as required for optimal
growth results.
Incorporate FloriCoat controlled-release fertiliser into the growing media considering the generalised recommendations below, based on unfertilised substrate. Specific climate or cultural conditions may require adjustments. Use trials and experience to optimise performance before making changes to your cultural procedures. Additional micro-nutrients or other media amendments can be used if required.